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We hope that you will find the information outlined below useful and please do not hesitate to contact us for further information on the History department curriculum.


Head of Department: Mrs J. Good

Teacher of History: Mr R. Davies            

Teacher of History: Mr J. Canning

Teacher of History and Geography: Mr T. Radford

Teacher of History: Mrs Norman



Following our school homework policy, Homework will be set via our online learning platforms once a fortnight for all classes in ks3 & ks4. We use online programmes such as Seneca and Educake to support and aid learning.

Equipment and Resources

Students should have a pencil case and their student planner with them every lesson.

Pencil cases should include: black/blue pens, highlighters, a pencil, a ruler, glue stick and pencil colours (optional).


department praise and recognition

Students will experience reward and recognition through the school newsletter, postcards and letters home as well as through the school Facebook page. Students will be reward for the following in their History lessons; behaviour, outstanding work, outstanding homework and effort.

Upcoming Events

  • Historic Environment site visit – Ks4
  • Belgium Battlefields trip – Ks4/3
  • Black Country museum – yr8
  • Warwick Castle trip – yr7

Key stage 4 information

GCSE History

At GCSE we develop upon the learning from year 7-9 and deliver the following AQA courses.

  • America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and inequality
  • Conflict and tension, 1918–1939
  • Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day
  • Elizabethan England, c1568–1603

For further information on each of these topics you can visit:

Key stage 5 information

A Level History

Pupils will follow the published AQA specification.

  • Component 1C: The Tudors: England, 1485–1603
  • Component 2Q: The American Dream: reality and illusion, 1945–1980
  • Component 3: Historical investigation (non-exam assessment) 


For further information on each of these topics you can visit:

For more information on our curriculum intent and implementation, click on the link below

Link to History curriculum page