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Modern Foreign Languages


Bienvenue sur la page web Department des Langues étrangères!

¡Bienvenidos a la página web del Departamento de lenguas extranjeras!

Welcome to the Languages Department!


Nous ésperons que vous trouverez les informations ci-dessous utiles.

Esperamos que encuentre esta información útil

We hope that you will find the information outlined below useful and please do not hesitate to contact us for further information on the Languages department curriculum.


Voici les membres du department/ Estos son los miembros del departamento/ This is our team:

Mrs Cordero – Teacher of Spanish and French - Head of Languages:

Mrs Sandra Balaire - MFL Teacher:
Mr Curran – Teacher of French:
Mrs Perkins – Assistant Headteacher:



Following our school homework policy, Homework will be set once a week for KS4 and every 2 weeks for KS3. The homework will vary:

  • vocabulary learning: using quizzlet, vocabulary worksheet, etc;
  • grammar worksheet: to practise a grammar point seen in lessons: e.g. verbs, adjectives, etc.
  • listening and reading tasks
  • translating tasks
  • writing tasks
  • any other activity your teacher thinks is appropriate in supporting with your learning.

 Students can use online programmes/ apps such as Quizzlet, Seneca, duolingo; and dictionaries to support and aid learning.

The homework will be marked in class with your teacher where you will have the chance to ask questions and clarify any misconceptions. For longer pieces of writing, your teacher will collect the homework and give you written or verbal feedback.

Equipment and resources

Students should have a pencil case with them every lesson.  Pencil cases should include: black/blue pens, a green pen, a pencil, a ruler and highlighters (optional).

Students take the books home to revise and practise vocabulary and grammar, so make sure you bring it back to school when you have a French or Spanish lesson.

The vocabulary of the topic students are working on during lessons is key, pupils have a copy in their books, but there is also a copy in ClassCharts.

At KS4: Pupils would benefit from having at home a French/ Spanish dictionary and a revision guide to support GCSE study and exam practice. Please, contact the department to ensure that pupils have the correct one and a subsidised price maybe possible.


Praise and recognition

As per school policy, aspire points will be awarded in lessons for Achievement, Service, Peace, Integrity, Respect and Excellence.

Phone calls home and Postcards will be posted to recognise and praise students for outstanding work.


Key Stage 3: years 7, 8 & 9

Our students in years 7 and 8 study 2 languages: French and Spanish. They have 1 lesson every fortnight of each language in year 7, in year 8 they have 1 lesson of Spanish and 2 lessons of French a fortnight. At the end of year 8, students choose to deepen their knowledge of one of these languages. In year 9 students have 3 lessons every fortnight of their chosen language: Spanish or French.

Throughout KS3, pupils will learn how to approach the four different skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will learn skills such as translating, using cognates to understand written or spoken texts, pronunciation and manipulating new structures. At the same time, they will develop their thinking skills and independent study skills outside of class. Those skills will be taught through a variety of topics.

Key Stage 4: years 10 & 11

Our students who chose languages as an option for their GCSE have 5 lessons every fortnight. We follow the AQA specification.

The GCSE course provides a sound basis for the skills and language required for leisure, work and further study. Students will build on prior knowledge and develop their ability to use language skills in a variety of contexts, improving in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course will enable our students to understand and use more accurately a widening range of vocabulary and structures, to understand and discuss issues and opinions and to give descriptions and accounts.




Other useful websites:



d implementation, click on the link below

Link to MFL curriculum page