Emilie Lauren Jones – Wednesday 22nd January 2025
A regular visitor to CNCS Emilie Lauren Jones joined Year 8 for the entire day which started with an assembly for Year 8s where she told students about how she first discovered her love of poetry and what drove her to become a poet and where her inspiration comes from to create her poetry. The assembly was opened up to the students for questions and there were some very interesting and mature questions from the students with amazing answers from Emilie.
The day continued in the library where some students in Year 8 had the privilege of taking part in Emilie’s poetry workshops which centred around the theme of RESPECT. Students were asked to think about who or what we respect and why and to create poems around this theme. Students were also encouraged to read their poems aloud to the rest of the group and it was a pleasure to hear their creations come alive. We are so proud of the amazing work that students produced during these sessions – well done Year 8!
Student Librarian Autumn Term Awards 2024-2025
At lunchtime today the library hosted its annual Student Librarian Awards for the Autumn Term. It was an opportunity for the librarians to get together after a very busy term to discuss how they felt their volunteering was going and to award their commitment and dedication to the role. Over the course of the term the librarians have applied for the post, taken part in the interview and training process and then gone on to volunteer some of their social time in the library. They have acquired numerous skills including working as a team, issuing and returning books, dealing with enquiries from students and staff, taken part in and supported events and much more.
Well done Student Librarians, you have been amazing, and it has been wonderful to see how you are progressing. We are extremely proud of you all!
Christmas Events 2024
Harry Potter Day - Thursday 17th October 2024
Harry Potter Day was celebrated in the Library on Thursday. To mark the occasion the Library was decorated with Harry Potter themed items including a sorting hat, character posters, spiders sitting on their webs, candles, broomsticks, flying letters and much more. Students were invited to take part in some Harry Potter activities such Harry Potter games, puzzles, word searches, code breakers as well as competitions ‘Where’s Hedwig in the Library?’ and a Harry Potter quiz for fans of the stories. Copies of the books, including some in French, Spanish and Italian and supporting Harry Potter themed books, were on display for students to borrow. In addition, there were prizes for the competition winners and slug sweets, jellybeans and chocolate eggs to enjoy! It was an amazing day, enjoyed by students from all year groups and staff!
Neill Cameron Library Visit – Wednesday 26th June 2024
The writer and illustrator of the Mega Robo Bros series, Neill Cameron, paid a visit to CNCS on Wednesday 26th June. He gave an assembly to our Year 7 students where he talked about his career as a writer and illustrator and where his ideas come from to create such fantastic stories and illustrations. During the assembly students were encouraged to take part and come up with some of their own ideas for characters and storylines. Neill spoke about combining two fantastic concepts and combining them to make something amazing such as ‘time travel and dinosaurs’ to create time travelling dinosaurs!
Year 7s were then able to take part in workshops in the library hosted by Neill throughout the day. The workshops encouraged students to think about different concepts and combine them to create different characters which Neill then demonstrated how to draw. Students followed Neill’s lead and drew their versions of the same character and then they were asked to create their own character. After, Neill spoke to them about creating a storyline for their character and asked them to think about what their character wants and what is in their character’s way.
Students really engaged in the process and some amazing characters and storylines were produced. It was wonderful to see how much students enjoyed themselves. Well done all!
The Great Book Giveaway – 10th May 2024
Today the library hosted The Great Book Giveaway at break and lunchtime. Students were invited to pop in during their social time to browse the books on display and take one or two home to read and keep.
It has been a beautiful and sunny day today and many students chose to come into the library to see the selection of books. It was wonderful to see so many students from all year groups, including Post-16 students, browsing through all the different titles.
We are pleased to see that nearly all the books have gone home to be loved again. Special thanks to those individuals who donated books to the event and a huge ‘thank you’ to the student librarians who helped set up the event. Amazing!
World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 2024
Everyone at CNCS celebrated World Book Day, staff dressed up in various book characters and there were numerous activities during the day. The library celebrated the day by hosting a Superhero theme where books, graphic novels and comics were displayed for students to browse through. The library was decorated with various superheroes which were displayed around the library and students were able to participate in the ‘Where’s the Superhero?’. They collected an answer sheet and were asked to find ten superheroes that were hidden around the library. All correct answer sheets were collected, and a random winner was selected and received a superhero-themed prize! Library lessons also took on a superhero theme. Students were asked to create, design, or draw their own superhero. Students thought about what or who are a superhero to them and why, including parents, friends, family, emergency services, neighbours, shop assistants and, of course, those that can fly! The students produced some amazing designs, and the entire day was enjoyed by all!

Emilie Lauren Jones – Friday 26th January 2024
A regular visitor to CNCS Emilie Lauren Jones joined Year 8 for the entire day which started with an assembly for Year 8s where she explained what a poet laureate is, what drove her to become a poet and how she creates her poetry. The assembly ended with some very interesting and mature questions from the students with
amazing answers from Emilie.
The day continued in the library where some very lucky Year 8s had the privilege of taking part in Emilie’s poetry workshops which followed such forms as: ekphrastic poetry (writing based on an image), praise poetry (celebrating something underappreciated), tautogram (a poem where as many words as possible start with the same letter) and kenning poems (using a noun verb format to describe someone/something. Students were able to explore poems chosen by Emilie and then given the opportunity to create their own poems using similar devices and techniques. Students worked incredibly hard and produced amazing and wonderful poems of their own. We are extremely proud of each and every student who demonstrated their creativity and use of language. Well done Year 8!
Christmas in the Library – 11th-15th December 2023
During the whole week the library hosted a variety of Christmas themed activities for students to enjoy during their break and lunchtime.
Monday students were able to write a message or prayer and decorate snowflakes, Christmas trees, angels or baubles which were then cut out and hung on the library Christmas tree.
Decorate your own tree ornament was available on Tuesday where students had a variety of plain wooden ornaments to choose from and decorate them as they wished to take home.
Wednesday there were Christmas activities such as word searches, colouring templates and bookmarks to complete during their social time.
Thursday the library held the Where’s Santa? competition. Students were asked to find 10 Santas that were hidden around the library. They were rewarded with festive pencils and chocolate coins.
On Friday a Christmas quiz was held to round up Christmas in the Library. Students answered some festive questions as well as enjoying a mince pie and were entered into a draw where a lucky winner won an early Christmas present.
Normally a quiet environment the library was full of festive music, activities and fun for the entire week!
Poet with Punch Visit – Tuesday 14th November 2023
A regular to CNCS Matt ‘Poet with Punch’ Windle paid another visit to our school and spent the day with Year 7s. He held an assembly with them where he discussed how lucky he felt to be earning a living from doing what he is passionate about – boxing and poetry!
A former Poet Laureate of Birmingham and a current holder of a Commonwealth boxing title belt, Matt described his genre of poetry as ‘spoken word’ and asked students to think about what they are passionate about in order to create, write and speak their own poetry.
Workshops were held throughout the day where some Year 7s were able to explore rhyme and rhythm through the use of their own chosen words and create some amazing poetry – well done Year 7s!
harry potter day - thursday 12th October 2023
The annual Harry Potter Day event took place in the library today. During break and lunchtime students were able to visit the library and discover all of the fantastic displays and decorations around the room. At break they took part in ‘Where’s the Snitch?’ competition where they had to search the library for ten snitches that had been hidden around the room which they received a small prize for. They were also treated to Harry Potter themed sweets such as Jelly Snakes, Jelly Beans and Chocolate Frogs!
At lunchtime students were then able to participate in various activities including Harry Potter themed ‘Chit Chats’, colouring templates, word searches, ‘Write a letter to Harry’, Harry Potter themed games (Dobble, Uno, Frustration, Pictionary, Top Trumps) and the Library Harry Potter Quiz! As well as more sweetie treats, four lucky winners of the quiz received Harry Potter themed prizes.
It was a fantastic day, enjoyed by students from Year 7 to 13 and staff!
book cover competition - july 2023
In the last few weeks of term Year 7 and 8 students spent their library lesson designing their own book covers. Students were asked to think about what type of book they would design a cover for, would it be fiction or non-fiction or perhaps a graphic novel or Manga cover. They considered different types of genres, romance, adventure, horror, crime, fantasy, Sci-fi and students also came up with their own book titles and author names to complete their creations. There have been some fantastic designs making it difficult to choose just one winner from each year group so it was decided to award two winners from each year group. Well done everyone
summer book giveaway
In the last week of the Summer Term the library held a ‘Summer Book Giveaway’ where students were able to come in and select a book to keep for the summer break. The English Department donated various titles that students were able to select from and take home to enjoy.
Book raffle winner - july 2023
Congratulations to Caelan in Year 9 who has become our second Book Raffle winner this year – well done!
May half term certificate awards - 26th may 2023
The library was closed at breaktime today, so the Student Librarians could all be awarded with their Silver Library certificates and enjoy some sweet treats.
They have all demonstrated a great deal of commitment, creativity and hard work. As well as volunteering to manage the library desk, put books away, ensure the ICT equipment is correct, they have also produced book reviews, created library displays and contributed to the Library Newsletter.
We are incredibly proud of them, well done!
Dave Shelton – Author and Illustrator Year 9 Event – Wednesday 26th April 2023
Dave Shelton – Author and Illustrator
Year 9 Event – Wednesday 26th April 2023
The author and illustrator, Dave Shelton, visited CNCS to speak to our Year 9 group. He spoke in morning assembly about the origins of his work, how he acquired his ideas for his books and how he created his illustrations. Students also had the opportunity to ask a variety of very interesting questions. ​
During the rest of the day Mr Shelton held workshops in the library for some of Year 9 where he demonstrated how he created his illustrations as well as encouraging and coaching students to create their own comic book characters. We are incredibly proud how our students engaged in these workshops and the amazing illustrations they produced. Well done Year 9!
End Of Term Student Librarian Celebration and Award - 30th March 2023
Student Librarian Meeting
30th March 2023 Today the library held a meeting and end of term celebration for the Student Librarians who have demonstrated commitment and hard work in their role during the last term. The library was closed at lunchtime so the librarians could enjoy their lunch in the library as well as having a choice of cupcakes to eat whilst they discussed what they have enjoyed about their role. The librarians put forward many positive suggestions for the coming term as well as discussing what contributions they can make towards making the library even better. Each one was awarded with their Student Librarian Bronze certificate and an Easter Egg. CNCS is incredibly proud of them and they are a strong and positive asset to the library. Well done
world book day 2023 - Thursday 2nd march 2023
Everyone at CNCS had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day. There was a marvellous atmosphere as students enquired who staff members were dressed up as and even voted for their favourite -congratulations Miss Dynan who designed and made her very own Queen of Hearts costume from Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice in Wonderland!
Tutor groups from Year 7 and 8 took part in ‘Decorate your tutor door’ competition where they were asked to decorate their tutor doors in a literary theme. There were some magnificent and very creative entries by all tutor groups but there could only be one winner from Year 7 and Year 8 – congratulations go to Miss Dynan and her tutor group who continued their theme of Alice in Wonderland with their eye popping and colourful creation. Congratulations also goes to Mr Gordon’s tutor group for their magnificent design, demonstrating creativity and fantastic imagination from his students.
The library was full of students participating in the Where’s Wally theme during their break and lunchtime where they had to find 10 Wallys hidden around the library. It was wonderful to see how enthusiastic the students were as they searched high and low for Wally.
Emilie Lauren Jones - Coventry’s Poet Laureate
On Friday 20th January 2023 the library had the honour of hosting a wonderful day of poetry with Coventry’s Poet Laureate Emilie Lauren Jones. Emilie spent the entire day at CNCS starting with an assembly for Year 8s where she explained what a poet laureate is, what drove her to become a poet and how she creates her poetry. The assembly ended with some very interesting and mature questions from the students with amazing answers from Emilie.
The day continued in the library where some very lucky Year 8s had the privilege of taking part in Emilie’s poetry workshops which were centred on mental health and wellbeing. The students got to explore poems chosen by Emilie and then given the opportunity to create their own poems using similar devices and techniques. Some amazing, wonderful and profound poems were produced. Emilie was extremely impressed with the student’s creativity and use of language and selected a few of her favourites.
Christmas in the library
Christmas in the library has seen students coming in from the cold outside and enjoying everything the library has to offer. Students have been able to use the computers to get their last-minute homework assignments completed as well as starting on homework that is due after the holidays. They have also participated in playing games such as Uno, Chess, Dobble, Ludo as well as browsing the magazines and news articles section in their break and lunchtimes. It has been wonderful to see so many students searching the library’s fiction and non-fiction books, especially looking at the new titles that have arrived recently.
Students have had the opportunity in the library to decorate or write a prayer/message on an angel or snowflake which they have then hung upon the library Christmas tree. On the final day of term, they have also enjoyed the Christmas Literary Fest held in the library at lunchtime. Christmas music played while students enjoyed games, a Christmas Quiz, Festive Bookmarks and mince pies!
poet with Punch Visit – 21st November 2022
CNCS has been very lucky to host a visit today from Matt ‘Poet with Punch’ Windle. Matt, who has visited the school on numerous occasions, came into school to spend the entire day with Year 7. First, he held an assembly with Year 7 talking about the use of words and how they can be put together to create a rhyme and then go on to create a poem. He demonstrated this by incorporating many of the students’ names in his poem by using a ‘free style’ technique that had the students enthralled and excited as they heard their names rhymed with other words to create an on the spot poem.
During the rest of the day Matt spent time in the library working with Year 7s where, together, they created poems on the theme of anti-bullying. Students completed a poetry task and were then able to take the opportunity to learn some basic boxing techniques under Matt’s professional tuition.
It has been a joy to see how many students engaged in the tasks and boxing tuition so positively. They have surprised themselves at how they have been able to think and create their own poems. Well done Year 7 and huge thanks to Matt – what a wonderful event at CNCS!
In September 2022 the Library took part in welcoming potential new students and their families to look around the library and see what facilities are available and events that take place throughout the year.
A wonderful evening was had by all with the library experiencing a particularly magical feel.
The Great Book Giveaway!
On Friday 15th July 2022 the library held ‘The Great Book Giveaway’ where students were invited to come into the library during their break and lunchtime to choose a free book and/or DVD to take home.
The library’s book section had been closed for the summer term to enable a stock check to take place. During the stock check, out-of-date and damaged books were ‘weeded’ out to make room for new titles to be ordered. As a result, there were a number of books that were made available to students, hence ‘The Great Book Giveaway’!
The event was a great success with many students coming to the library during their break and lunchtime. It was wonderful to see students from all year groups browsing different titles and also paying particular interest to revision guides and text books – looking towards their future studies!