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‘Optimis Optimus’

Welcome from mr Mclintock – Head of Year 9

I am responsible for the pastoral and academic overview for Year 9 here at Cardinal Newman Catholic School. My aim is to help and support our students, ensuring that they are happy, engaged and ready to learn. I work with a fantastic team of staff, who create a full circle of pastoral care for every student. We know that your child is unique, so we work hard to understand how we can best support them, so that they feel safe, happy and are able to reach their full potential. 

Year 9 marks the onset of an exciting stage in our students' academic journey. Students will be asked to make decisions about which subjects they would like to continue for GCSE in Year 10. Some of those decisions will be made for them; we ensure that students continue with core subjects so that their education is balanced and attractive to universities and employers. Nevertheless, for the first time, students will have a say in the content of their education as they choose their options subjects. When the time comes, I encourage all students to seek advice from a range of people including their subject teachers, form tutors and parents/carers.

Outside of the classroom, I urge our students to continue to take part in their usual enrichment choices, whilst also challenging themselves to try something new. There are a range of activities and opportunities for them, in order to broaden their school experience. It is also a good idea for students to seek out leadership roles in and outside the classroom, as they prepare to become a more senior member of our whole school community.

It is important that our students are not over-awed by all that Year 9 offers, rather, they should be excited by the prospect of a year of great variety and potential. I look forward to supporting all of our students, in striving towards our year group motto, 'Optimis Optimus' (Be The Best Of The Best).

The Year 9 Tutor Team


Mr T Gordon


Mr L Miller


Mr L Hogan


Mr A Kelly


Mr R Davies


Ms A Bagri / Mrs N Acton (Wed)


Mrs J Good


Mrs A Heer/Mrs N Acton (Fri)


Mr M.Underwood










At Cardinal Newman Catholic School students are given a great deal of support to help them choose their GCSE options. Students currently choose their options in the Spring term of Year 9, with them starting their GCSE courses at the beginning of Year 10. Throughout the options process your child will be supported thoroughly and listed below is some examples of the support that students receive on the run up to their GCSE option selections:

  • Taster sessions for new subjects
  • Assemblies outlining the options process and subject choices
  • Options evening
  • Options booklets
  • Discussion with tutors and subject staff

What choices do students have?

All students study the following GCSE examined subjects, as part of the core curriculum at Cardinal Newman:

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Triple Science (Bilogy, Chemistry and Physics)
  • Religius Education

Students also continue to study the following non-examined subjects:

  • Physical Educatin
  • PSHE

Students then select either History or Geography.

Students then have a further two optional subjects that they can choose from our extensive list of subjects. Some of these courses are GCSE courses and some are level 2 vocational courses, so your child can select the subjects that interest them the most and support in their further pathways.

Please find attached the Options booklet below for students selecting their options subjects in Spring 2023.

If you would like any further information then, please contact Mrs Scanlon – Assistant Head (