Curriculum Intent
The Science Department at Cardinal Newman Catholic School aims to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that whilst covering the necessary content for public examinations also engages, enthuses, develops an enquiring mind and demonstrates that pupils are ‘made for greatness’.
We want our pupils to have awe and wonder for the world around them and within them, for them to be scientifically literate and numerate so they can critique and evaluate science in the wider world whilst formulating their own ideas, opinions and question those around them.
This understanding of the world around and within will promote our ASPIRE values and allow pupils to be valued members of a diverse and tolerant society.
students and parents
Students and parents, to find out how our curriculum is planned and sequenced, click on our subject learning journeys below.
Year 7 Science Learning Journey
Year 8 Science Learning Journey
Year 9 Science Learning Journey
Year 10 Combined Science Learning Journey
Year 10 Separate Science Learning Journey
Year 11 Combined Science Learning Journey
Year 11 Separate Science Learning Journey
KS5 Chemistry Learning Journey
KS5 BTEC Applied Science Learning Journey
curriculum overviews
To find out more about our how our curriculum is implemented you can click on our curriculum overviews